<button class='button ~info @high'>Submit</button>
<button class='button ~neutral @low'>Save Draft</button>
The button is a core interface element — it’s the primary way to indicate interactivity, so it comes in many shapes and sizes. Buttons in a17t are inline flex, so you can fit as much into them as you’d like (and they’ll automatically look nice).
The example buttons on this page are <span>
elements, but the .button
selector can be applied to essentially any type of element. If a button’s element is interactive (e.g., an <a>
with a valid href
attribute), the :focus
state will by default be identical to the :hover
There are low and high priority variants, as well as a large variant (ideal for marketing pages) and a loading variant (great for indicating work happening behind the scenes).
Navigation — Avoid using buttons for navigation. Buttons should generally only be used to perform actions. While that may sometimes mean navigating to a new page (as is the case with a sign-up button), it usually doesn’t. In cases of regular navigation, consider using a portal instead.
Buttons have full tone and priority support.
Low Priority
Example code
<span class="button ~neutral @low mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~positive @low mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~warning @low mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~critical @low mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~info @low mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~urge @low mb-1">Button</span>
High Priority
Example code
<span class="button ~neutral @high mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~positive @high mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~warning @high mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~critical @high mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~info @high mb-1">Button</span>
<span class="button ~urge @high mb-1">Button</span>
Loading Button
To make a button “loading,” simply apply the .loading
Example code
<span class="button ~info @low loading mb-1">Save</span>
<span class="button ~urge @high loading mb-1">Save</span>
<span class="button ~critical @high loading mb-1">Save</span>
Large Buttons
To make a button large — as we do on a17t’s landing page — simply apply the button-xl
Example code
<a href="/guide/" class="button ~urge @high button-xl">Get started</a>
<a href="https://github.com/milesmcc/a17t" class="button ~neutral @low button-xl">
View the source
Be mindful of all possible states. Not everyone interacts with a button by moving the mouse to click on it. Some use the tab key to select a button visually, and others use non-graphical interfaces entirely. When customizing buttons, remember that the :hover
state does not apply to all cases in which a button is selected.
Don't use color to communicate. Instead, use color to support information you communicate through text. When this isn't possible, be sure to use a title
Be mindful of contrast. What looks good to you may not be readable for others. Text contrast is a good thing!
Support all navigation modes. Some people will interact with your interface using assitive technologies and/or a keyboard. Build your interface with these different modes in mind (for example, by setting the `tab-index` attribute on all interactive elements that aren't interactive by default).
What's going on?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget leo nulla. Nam vitae pellentesque risus. Duis faucibus erat sit amet arcu efficitur lobortis. Donec ac convallis diam, non suscipit mauris.
Example code
<div class="card ~neutral @low p-0 border-0">
<div class="p-4 content">
<h3>What's going on?</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget leo nulla. Nam vitae pellentesque risus. Duis faucibus erat sit amet arcu efficitur lobortis. Donec ac convallis diam, non suscipit mauris.</p>
<div class="p-4 section ~neutral">
<span class="button ~neutral @high">Save</span> <span class="button ~neutral @low">Continue Editing</span>